1999 Conferences, Seminars and Public Talks

  • Talk: “Cultural Divergence and Post-Cold War U.S. Civil-Military Relations,” Great Lakes Naval Training Center, March 1999.

  • Talk: “Two Myths of Air Power and Humanitarian Intervention,” Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce, University of Kentucky, April 1999.

  • Talk, “Culture and International Security,” U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, April 1999.

  • Talk: “Technological Change and International Relations: Nirvana or New Medievalism,” Sandia National Laboratories, May 1999.

  • Talk: “Obligations to Rights: Changing Notions of Citizenship and Civil-Military Relations,” Great Lakes Naval Training Center, June 1999.

  • Radio Interview: “Reinstating the Draft?” Which Way L.A., KCRW, Santa Monica, CA, June 1999.

  • Paper: “Explaining the Gap: The Decline of the Mass Army and the Republicanization of the South,” Triangle Institute for Security Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and Duke University, August 1999.

  • Paper: “Explaining the Gap: The Decline of the Mass Army and the Republicanization of the South,” American Political Science Association Annual Convention, September 1999.

  • Talk: “The Military Lessons of Kosovo,” United Nations Association of the United States of America, Lexington, KY September 1999. 

  • Paper: “Explaining the Gap: The Decline of the Mass Army and the Republicanization of the South,” International Studies Association - South Convention, October 1999.

  • Talk: "Civil-Military Relations: What Are They and Why Should We Care About Them?" Ukrainian National Security Program, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, December 1999.