Talk: “War Termination: The Political Science Perspective,” The Sayre School, Lexington, KY, February 2002.
Talk: “Can Democracies Win the War on Terrorism?” David Kennedy Center for International Studies, Brigham Young University, March 2002.
Radio Interview: “Cuba,” Odyssey WBEZ, Chicago, IL, May 2002.
Conference: “The Revolution in Military Affairs and the Research University,” The Kentucky Commission on Military Affairs, Kentucky EBSCoR, and the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce, Lexington, KY, July 2002. Organizer.
Convention: American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, September 2002.
Panel: "Civilization, Culture, and World Order.” Commentator.
Radio Interview: “Civil-Military Relations,” Odyssey WBEZ, Chicago, IL, September 2002.