Radio Interview: “Civilian Contractors in Iraq,” Odyssey, WBEZ, Chicago, IL, May 2004.
Conference: “Liberty, Leadership, and Images of the Battle of Salamis,” The Liberty Fund, San Francisco, CA, June, 2004.
Conference: “The University and International Relations in the 21st Century,” Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs, June 2004.
Talk: “The Growing Estrangement of Theory and Practice in International Relations.”
Convention: American Political Science Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, September 2004.
Roundtable: The Shield of Achilles, by Philip Bobbit: Statecraft and the International System Through Time, discussant.
Panel: Political Theory and International Security, Chair.
Panel: Debating the Neoconservative Approach to International Security, Chair.
Workshop: “Measuring National Power in the Information Age,” Rand Corporation and Strategic Assessments Group, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC, September 2004.
2004 Conferences, Seminars and Public Talks
Talk: “Democracy and Victory: Why Regime Type Hardly Matters,” George Bush School of Government and Public Service, January 2004.
Convention: International Studies Association, Montreal, CA, March 2004.
Panel: “How Well Does the Democratic Marketplace of Ideas Really Work?”
Paper: “Are Democracies Really Smarter in War?
Panel: “How Do States Create Military Power?” Commentator.
Workshop: “The Status of Diplomatic and Military History,” Security Studies Program, MIT, April 2004. Co-organizer.
Asia/Pacific Crisis Simulation, MIT, Cambridge, MA, May 2004. Participant.