• Talk: “Liberalism and Over-Reaction,” The Academy of Philosophy and Letters Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 2008. 

  • Seminar: “Israel and America,” Björklunden/Lawrence University, Bailey’s Harbor, WI, July 2008. Instructor.

  • Convention: American Political Science Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA, August 2008.
    • Panel: “Ideology, Beliefs, and Foreign Policy.”
    • Paper: “The Ideological Origins of Overreaction in American Foreign Policy.”

  • Conference: The Brady-Johnson Conference on Teaching Grand Strategy, Yale University, New Haven, CT, September 2008.

  • Conference: “America and the World: National Security in a New Era,” The Tobin Project, Airlie House, VA, November 2008.

  • Conference: Global Trends 2025: A Conversation with Global and Regional Experts, The Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs and the National Intelligence Council, College Station, TX, November 2008.
  • Panel: “New Societies, Old Institutions, and Redundant Nation-States?

  • Radio Interview: “Obama’s Foreign Policy Team,” The World, Public Radio International/WGBH, Boston, MA, November 2008.

  • Radio Interview: “Gates Stays On,” The World, Public Radio International/WGBH, Boston, MA, November 2008.
  • Meeting: National Defense College Board of Visitors, Boling AFB, Washington, DC, January 2008.

  • Conference: “Thucydides on Empire, War, Democracy, and Liberty,” The Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, IN, January 2008.

  • Conference: “Economic Liberty and Political Freedom: Cause, Effect, or Incompatible,” The Liberty Fund, Vancouver, BC, Canada, February/March 2008. Conference Director.

  • Conference: “Existential Threats and Civil-Security Relations: Israel in Theoretical and Comparative Perspective,” Hebrew University, Jerusalem, IL, March 2008.
    • Paper: “Liberalism and the New Definition of ‘Existential” Threat.”

  • Talk: “America’s Liberal Illiberalism,” Robert Shuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, IT, March 2008. 

  • Talk: “America’s Liberal Illiberalism,” Program on International Security Policy, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL April 2008. 

  • Radio Interview: “Iraq and the Election,” The World, Public Radio International/WGBH, Boston, MA, April 2008.

  • Talk: “Liberalism and Over-Reaction,” The Empire Salon, The Committee for the Republic, Washington, DC, May 2008.


2008 Conferences, Seminars
and Public Talks