• Convention: International Studies Association, New Orleans, LA, February 2010.
    • Roundtable: “Connecting Scholars and Practitioners in National Security Policymaking.”
    • Roundtable: “Democratic Peace Between Theory and Practice.”
    • Panel: “Empire and International Order.”
    • Paper: “The Liberal Roots of the American Empire.”

  • Talk: “If, When, and How Social Science Can Contribute to National Security Policy,” Security Studies Program, MIT, March 2010.

  • Conference: “The Influence of Social Science Theory Upon National Security Policy,” Notre Dame International Security Program, Notre Dame, IN, April 2010.
  • Organizer and Commentator.

  • Conference: “Realism, Order, and Liberty in International Politics According to Lord Salisbury and George Kennan,” The Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, IN, May 2010.

  • Radio Interview: “Obama’s National Security Strategy,” The World, Public Radio International/WGBH, Boston, MA, May 2010.

  • Radio Interview: “General McChrystal, General Petreaus, and ‘Obama’s War,’” To the Point, KCRW, Santa Monica, CA, June 2010.

  • Television Interview: "Political Fallout of McChrystal Ouster Examined," The News Hour, PBS, Washington, DC, June 2010.

  • Radio Interview: “Petreaus Picked to Lead ‘Tough Fight’ in Afghanistan,” Morning Edition, National Public Radio, Washington, DC June 2010.

  • Radio Interview: “Analysis: Democracies Often at Odds With Military Authority,” Voice of America, Washington, DC, June 2010.

  • Television Interview: “Analysts Pessimistic on Chances of Mideast Talks Success” Voice of America, Washington, DC, September 2010.

2010 Conferences, Seminars
and Public Talks

  • Convention: American Political Science Association Annual Convention, Washington, September 2010.
    • Panel: “Ethnic Lobbies and Foreign Policy.” Chair.
    • Panel: “The Future of Counter-Insurgency and Nation-Building .” Chair and Discussant.
    • Panel: “Are You Threatening Me?: New Directions in Threat Assessment and Evaluation.” Chair and Discussant.

  • Talk: “If, When, and How Social Science Can Contribute to National Security Policy,” University of Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Studies, Notre Dame, IN, September 2010.

  • Talk: “Why Democracy Will Doom the Peace Process,” Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN , September, 2010.

  • Talk: “The Complicated Triangle: The Peril and Promise of Democracy and Religion in the Relations Between the USA, Israel, and Turkey,” I?ik University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2010.

  • Talk: “The Liberal Roots of the American Empire,” Department of International Relations, I?ik University, ?ile, Turkey, October 2010.

  • Talk: “Let’s Talk Turkey,” College Arts and Letters Advisory Council, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, October 2010.

  • Radio Interview: “Midterm Impact on Obama Foreign Policy,” The World, Public Radio International/WGBH, Boston, MA, November 2010.

  • Conference: “Power Through Its Prudent Use: Strategies and Instruments for US National Security,” The Tobin Project, Wylie Inn, Beverly, MA, December 2010.
