• Conference: "Strategy and National Security," Wianno Club, Cape Cod, June 1989.

  • Summer Institute: "Regional Conflict and Global Security:¬ the Nuclear Dimension," Center for International Cooperation and Security Studies, Madison, July/August 1989. 

  • Conference: "Younger Scholars in International Security," International Research and Exchanges Board, Princeton, August 1989.
    • Paper: "Assessing Changes in Intentions and Capabilities: The Role of Military Doctrine."

  • Conference: "Cuba, the United States, and the Third World," World Peace Foundation, Salem, MA, November 1989.
    • Presentation: "The Roles of Cuba and the United States in Future Third World Conflicts."
  • Conference: "America's Role in the World," Commentaire and The John M. Olin Center for the Inquiry Into the Theory and Practice of Democracy, Paris, June 1986.

  • Conference: "The Problem of Evil in 20th Century Politics," The John M. Olin Center for the Inquiry Into the Theory and Practice of Democracy, Chicago, June 1987.

  • Convention: The American Political Science Association, Chicago, September 1987
    • Panel Member: "The Superpowers in the Third World"
    • Paper: "Grand Strategy and Intrinsically and Extrinsically Valuable Areas."

  • Conference: "Classical Theory and Practice and the American Founding," The John M. Olin Center for the Inquiry Into the Theory and Practice of Democracy, Chicago, June 1988.

  • Conference: "Cuba: The Island and the Diaspora," Cuban Studies Institute/Center for International Affairs, Cambridge, June 1989.
    • Paper: "Cuba, the United States, and the Soviet Union: the Security Relationship."

Before 1990 Conferences, Seminars and Public Talks